Whether you are a new or experienced project manager in the construction, engineering, or real estate field, this article is for you. Sure, the job market is not as strong as it used to be, and career prospects are lean, but there are still thousands of construction projects happening each day, on a global scale, and every single one of them requires one or several project managers.

A project manager has lots of different definitions and responsibilities depending on several factors, including: what your experience level is, are you a General or Specific Project Manager? Are you PMP certified, etc. Nevertheless, almost all project management positions have one tie that binds – you MUST be able to simultaneously manage several projects in various stages of completion, as well as various employees of ranging experience levels and proficiencies. Depending on your level of experience and focus, you may lean more toward one or the other, but both skills are required to be successful.

With that said, all you have to do is drive 20 miles in any direction of your house and chances are you will find new homes being built, older buildings being renovated, streets being repaved, and/or shopping centers receiving a badly needed facelift or touch-up. Unlike days past when all you needed was a friend or connection at a construction company and a pretty good reputation, today’s construction job market is different. You need an effective construction resume to help get you through the door and into the position you want.

So what is the best strategy for success? Here it is – be proactive. What does this mean for you? Try this strategy on for size: Take a drive and find 3 different projects that interest you. Once you have these 3 projects, find as much information as you can about the position. This includes the owner of Construction Company, the general contractor, the sub contractor, engineering firm, etc. and write the information down in a pad you designate solely for this task.

Then when you get home take a look at your resume. I mean a good look at this document and ask yourself, “Does this resume reflect me?” Is the resume updated, have you reviewed the information carefully, does it bolster and highlight your achievements, has it been spell-checked and grammar-checked? In other words, is this the one document you want someone to look at as the first representation of you, for the position?

If the answer is yes, then do your best to locate the company’s fax or email, be sure you are sending your resume and cover letter from a professional email address (not: Beerbongparty@ partydude. com ) and send the resume and cover letter attention HR or Ladies and Gentlemen. If your resume is not in a good shape, do NOT waste the opportunity, rather secure the services of a certified professional construction resume writer or writing service to assist you in getting your resume into fighting shape!

Good Luck!

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