Here is our selection of the most colorful and fun candles of the moment, which, in addition to being feel good decoration objects, impregnate your home with a soft olfactory atmosphere. Enjoy lacquered fruits, pastel sculptures, playful patterns or vibrant candlesticks.
Flame Torta candle, Missoni
Strawberry candle, JW Anderson
Chandelier candle, Loewe
Blue spiral candle, Saunders
Freesia candle in Murano class, Gucci
Set of striped candlesticks, British Colour Standard
Set of bubble candles, Foam
Pink candle sculpture , Lex Pott
Geometric candle sculpture, Yod and Co
Twisted blue candlesticks, Broste
Bitter Peach candle, Tom Ford
Pastel smiley candle, Wavey Casa
Spring 1998 candle, Nette
Rainbow Bar candle, 19-69
Flower candle, Janie Korn
Flora Macchia Su Macchia candle, Stories of Italy
Apple candle, Bitossi Home
“Grace” violet candle, Maison La Bougie
Set of neon candlesticks, Holm
Cherry candles, Broste Copenhagen
Translation by Anissa Agrama
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